Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Tale of Two E1s

[This article will hopefully appear on some time in March 2008]

An Introduction to A Tale of Two E1s

The author having just led Seams the Same copyright JennThe author having just led Seams the Same

This article is a comparison of two E1 attempts by the author. The first was also my first attempt at an E1; it ended in failure. Just over a year later, my second E1 attempt was successful. In between, I had climbed nothing harder than VS, so I guess an obvious question to ask is "just what happened in the intervening period to make a difference?"

In common with Dickens' "masterpiece", this is a lengthy tale. Accordingly I have split it into some, hopefully more digestible, chapters as follows: -

  1. 30th June 2006 - Fool’s Gold (E1 5c) - Bus Stop Quarry, Llanberis
  2. 29th July 2007 - Seams the Same (E1 5b) - Serengeti Area of Dinorwig Quarry, Llanberis
  3. Things that Made a Difference
  4. Epilogue

I hope that you can take the time to join me on my journey and maybe find something that resonates in my experience and maybe even helps you in your own climbing.

This journey starts with: 30th June 2006 - Fool’s Gold (E1 5c) - Bus Stop Quarry, Llanberis

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